Rottweiler training - are you sure it's easy?

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rottweiler dog store

May, 15 2021



is your Rottweiler boy or girl? Oh, you can’t even imagine how much I would like to see your big, strong boy walking proudly with his owner! I’m sure he is the best guard dog for you and your family. And if you have Rottweiler girl, I know she is the sweetest dog and a perfect mother ;)
I think nobody will argue that Rottweiler males and females are as different as women and men. Indeed, they have their own features of character, a little bit different appearance, etc. However, no matter what gender your dog belongs to, he loves you and is devoted to you. Just like in human world these qualities are common for all Rottweilers.
Due to the different features, there may be some specific problems with dog’s behaviour. You will also want to train your pet some simple commands, right? Spend several minutes and get more knowledge about Rottweiler training ;) The article below gives you superb opportunity to find it out quickly and as you know “Knowledge is power”!

basket dog muzzle


         Do you see this Leather Muzzle on your dog's snout? There is only one step to take! Click and order!


The first thing you will want to teach your Rottweiler would be to 'sit'. Sitting makes grooming, feeding, playing, and relaxing much easier. It is also one of the easiest things to teach. Have your puppy stand in front of you and firmly say 'Sit!'. Then gently but firmly push your dog's rear end down until he is in a sitting position. Praise your dog immediately after by petting, scratching behind his ears, and telling him what a good dog he is. While he is sitting, continue to praise him while adding the word 'sit' a few times. You don't necessarily need treats to accomplish this task as Rottweilers will do almost anything to make you happy. Repeat this process by moving away from your puppy, turning to face him (make sure you have his full attention) and tell him to sit. 


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Classic Design Leather Leash with Special Stitching

Leather Rottweiler Leash Equipped with Brass Snap Hook

Leather Rottweiler Leash with Durable Brass Snap Hook

This Fascinating Leather Leash is made of specially selected leather. This kind of leather grants strength, durability, resistance to tear and wear, as well as softness and flexibility to this accessory. Our Leather Leash is designed to sustain the power of your Rottweiler. It won’t let you down by tearing apart or breaking. The edges won’t fray, thanks to its specific treatment.

American Flag Leather Harness for Rottweiler
dog walking harness

Highly in demand Training Leather Harness

When making important decision, it’s often wise to listen to somebody’s opinion. Speaking about this Leather Harness, we are glad to say, that it’s one of the best selling harnesses and many our customers all over the world already appreciated it as a reliable training equipment for their Rottweilers. 

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