Ownership of Rottweiler involves some responsibilities

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October 14, 2021

I believe that your Rotty is very kind both to other pets and people as well as occasional passers-by when he is walking calmly in the street. However, you probably have noticed that some people very often are scared of your dog, just because he is massive and looks concentrated, that is sometimes unfortunately misunderstood as aggressive.


Indeed, it’s a huge responsibility to be an owner of Rottweiler. When you bring puppy to your house you receive so called “white sheet of paper” and it’s depends upon you very much what character and personality will your puppy gain. Will he become super kind or aggressive, will he love you endlessly or be terrified when you come close.


I don’t want you to worry ;) In fact, usually it doesn’t take much efforts and time to raise obedient and kind, however protective Rottweiler. However, it takes patience. But the play is absolutely worth the candles! Your dog will serve you faithfully and will be reliable companion during all his life.


Highly in demand Training Leather Harness

When making important decision, it’s often wise to listen to somebody’s opinion. Speaking about this Leather Harness, we are glad to say, that it’s one of the best selling harnesses and many our customers all over the world already appreciated it as a reliable training equipment for their Rottweilers. Our heart melts when reading their grateful feedbacks. Unique painting and superb quality made this Leather Harness popular both in USA and all over the world. 

From the early puppyhood our beloved Rotties are treated as family members. We buy different toys and accessories for them. And we do like to spoil them with treats and various presents. It makes us happy to see the joy and gratitude in those kind and loving eyes of our pets. We think that this Incredible Leather Collar with spikes and plates will be a nice present for your four-footed family member. The handcrafted Leather Collar is suitable both for training and everyday walking.

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