Every Rottweiler needs a friend

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July, 15 2021

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Nobody can live a happy life without friends. This statement is true both for people and dogs. Does your Rotty have friends? Of course, you are the biggest and the best friend for him. However, your dog develops faster if he communicates with other dogs, that belong to the same breed. If your dog is a puppy, other Rotties can be good teachers and protectors for him. If your pet is adult, other dogs may be awesome friends to spend time with.
It’s impossible to express all joy, your dog feels when running, jumping and playing with his congeners. How does your dog react when he meets other Rottweiler? Does he fawn and show that he is open for new connections? Great! It means you have very friendly and even-tempered pet. If your Rotty is a puppy, no doubt he will be happy to see any living being.
However, please be careful, dear Rottweiler owner. It’s always good to be prudent, isn’t it? Each dog has it’s own unique character and behaviour, thus it’s important to react quickly if necessary. We wish your pet to find many friends and enjoy his everyday walking to the full!

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Your dog's appearance is very important to you? Click on the picture and read about one of the most beautiful Collars! 




                  May 23-June 16 Contest Results


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customers with dogs


                      Learn who got the first prize here






Special Rottweiler Leash for Behavioral Problems Correction

Leather Rottweiler Leash Equipped with Brass O-Ring

Rottweiler Leash for Correcting Behavioral Problems

Handling a disobedient dog is a difficult task, especially when a big dog like a Rottweiler pulls like mad. To teach your Rotty not to jerk a leash you need to use a choke collar. Every time he pulls, the collar tightens around his neck, and as he stops pulling, the collar loosens. Get this leather leash & choke collar combo to teach your Rotty walk by your side! The collar and the leash are combined together for more simplicity and durability.


Pyramid Studded Leather Dog Harness
easy walk harness

Designer Leather Canine Harness

And if the Canine Harness has Fantastic Design, like the one we present, it makes your Rotty look noble and trendy. Rottweiler is extremely beautiful breed, that’s why he needs Posh Dog Equipment. Dear customer, you are looking exactly at such equipment! 

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